当前位置:所有分类Ext2Fsd 0.48下载

Ext2Fsd 0.48

  • 软件大小:2 MB
  • 更新时间:2016-11-24
  • 星级指数:
  • 软件平台:电脑版
  • 软件语言:简体中文
  • 系统类型:支持32/64位
  • 软件授权:免费
  • 下载次数:668
  • 安全监测:[无病毒, 正式版, 无插件]
  • 操作系统:Win2000/WinXP/Win2003/WinVista


  Ext2Fsd 这个小工具 ,便可以实现在 Windows 中挂载 Linux 分区的目的。Ext2Fsd 能够在 Windows 2000、XP、2003、Vista 等系统中运行,支持挂载 Ext2/Ext3 类型的分区 Bugs Fixed: 1, files >=4G couldn't be copy&paste to ext2 volume, caused by a hardcode limit in Ext2CreateFile 2, failure of "No enough memory" when renaming files under directories it likely happens when renaming files under subdirectory with Samba or Linux kernel CIFS. 3, possible deadlock in renaming with simultaneous access on the same file 4, possible wrong entry (hardlinks) deletion instead of itself: it's rare to happen but pissible when renaming, moving or deleting files. 5, entry management routines enhancement 6, 64k-block support



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